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Monday, 28 October 2013

3 Very Important Affiliate Marketing Tips For Beginners.

3 Very Important Affiliate Marketing Tips For Beginners By Yvette Munro Well that's not how it works. Not if you want a long term, sustainable income. So below I am going to share with you 3 very important tips to help you start off the right way. Learn The Business Before you start an affiliate marketing business you need to know and understand how it works. You need to find out what you should expect. You need to know what obstacles or pitfalls might slow you down. You need to have a clear understand of what affiliate marketing is and how it works. You also need to know what affiliate marketing is not. You won't get paid just because you advertise a certain product. You only get paid when a sale is made through your affiliate link. It is very important you learn how to track your leads so you know exactly what's working and what's not working. Start Building A List From Day One While affiliate marketing is a great way to start making money online, there is just one downfall. You don't get the contact information of the buyer. That goes to the vendor. All successful affiliates have one thing in common, they all have built massive lists that are extremely responsive. If you want to maximize your earning potential you must start building a list from day one. There are a lot of great email marketing services you can use. The most popular ones are Get Response, Aweber, Constant Contact and iContact. You can use any one of these. Once you sign up you will need to create a web form to place on your site or blog. That web form will be used to collect the names and email addresses of your visitors. Once you have their name and email address you will be able to market products to them over and over again. And that my friend is where the real money comes in. Promote Quality Products This is a very important tip. Many times beginners will get caught up in the commission only. They never actually research the product to see if it will add value to their subscribers lives. As an affiliate marketer your number one goal should be to help people. To add real value to their lives. When you do that you will have no problem making money. So don't focus on the commission. Because even if a product has a high commission, it won't do you any good if everyone is requesting a refund. Be an affiliate marketer with integrity. If people see your main objective is to actually help them, they will pretty much purchase anything you recommend. So if you want to be one of the top earning affiliates, always put people first. Not your commissions. To learn more about affiliate marketing and using free sites to start making money online today visit Article Source:

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